Terms and Condition

Before you use any affiliated TSA-Pre Check websites, please read the following terms and conditions carefully.

By accessing the Sites in this manner you are consenting to the user and you acknowledge and agree that the Sites are subject to the following Terms and Conditions of Use and the various disclaimers set forth herein.

Please refrain from using the sites if you do not agree with these terms.

Yes. TSA-Pre Check can at every time even without a heads-up, adjust these Terms. It is your part to, therefore, accede to the modifications. Thus you should look into terms on this page every once in a while to ensure you are aware of the current Terms.

You are responsible for compliance with any local laws applicable to your use of the Sites. TSA-Pre Check makes no representations or warranties that the content on the Sites is appropriate for all locations or accessible from all locations.

In connection with this outage, you acknowledge and accept that your use of the Sites is entirely at your risk and that no party involved in creating, producing, or delivering the Sites is responsible for any direct, indirect, or other damages of any kind whatsoever or any loss, cost or expense (including legal fees, expert fees and other disbursements) whatsoever resulting directly or indirectly from your access to, use of or browsing the Sites or downloading of any material, data, text, images, video or audio from the Sites, including but not limited to any problem caused by computer viruses or bugs, human activity or inaction, or failure of any computer system, phone line, hardware, software or program, or any other fault, failure or delay in computer transmissions and network connections.

The Sites' Use:

TSA-Pre Check grants you permission to view and obtain materials on the Sites for your use only on the condition that you will retain, and will not enhance or delete, any copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the original materials.

You may not modify the materials on the Site in any way or reproduce or publicly display, perform, distribute, sell, lease, transmit, create derivative works from, or otherwise use such materials for any public or commercial purposes. For these purposes, any use of these materials on any other website or networked computer environment for any purpose is prohibited. The materials on the Site are copyrighted and any unauthorized use of any materials on the Site may violate copyright, trademark, and other laws. If you violate any of these Terms, your authorization to use the Site automatically terminates and you must immediately destroy any downloaded or printed materials.

You may not upload, distribute or otherwise publish on the Site any information or other material that (i) violates the rights of any person, including copyrights, patents, trademarks, service marks, trade secrets or other proprietary rights, (ii) is defamatory, threatening, abusive, obscene, indecent, pornographic, or could give rise to any civil or criminal liability under the laws of Japan or international law, or (iii) contains any bugs, viruses, worms, trap doors, Trojan horses, hacks or other harmful code or properties. You agree to indemnify TSA-Pre Check for any damages resulting from any of the above actions. TSA-Pre Check may remove any information or other material uploaded by you at any time, in its sole and absolute discretion.

Nothing you put to the Site or TSA-Prechek is protected except as outlined in the Privacy Policy. Ideas, know-how, techniques, questions, comments, and suggestions—concurrently “Submissions”—will be assumed confidential and non-proprietary. You waive all the rights you have in the Submissions (apart from the provisions of the Privacy Policy) only by sending or posting them to the Site. TSA-Pre Check will have the full, unrestricted, royalty-free, immortal, and transferable to use, copy, reproduce, distribute, display, play, sell, lease, transmit, or create derivative works from any such Submissions in any medium and in any form, and also, to translate, modify, reverse-engineer, disassemble or decompile any such Submissions. TSA-Pre Check will automatically receive all the Submissions as the unique, unmatched feature of TSA-Pre Check, and for this, you will not receive any compensation, nor will your items be turned back to you.


The materials offered on these pages are provided "as is", and "where is" without warranty of any kind, whether express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement of intellectual property. The obligations of the TSA Pre Check are subject strictly to the agreements under which they are given and nothing on the Sites may be treated as an alteration of those agreements. Furthermore, TSA-Pre Check neither guarantees the accuracy of the materials on the Sites nor does it warrant their completeness. TSA-Pre Check can, at any time, change and/or update the material on the Sites and the products and prices described on the Sites without notice. The materials are outdated and TSA-Pre Check does not promise, vow, or commit to updating these materials on the Sites that are correct, accurate, robust, usable, timely, reliable, or in other respects. Online content may be about some items not available or unknown in your country because the text is not required for products that are not available in your country.

Even though TSA-Pre Check makes no claim or guarantees the fact of that the functions and services that are available on their Websites will be uninterrupted, or rather that such errors will be corrected, or that the Websites or the Servers that provide the Websites are free of viruses or other forms of harmfulness. TSA Pre Check clarifies that it will not be responsible for any user's actions, omissions, and/or for the conduct or liability of any user or any other third party who uses the Site in connection with your use of the Site. You must assume all responsibility for the Site and any linked website. When you are not happy with the Sites or any content therein, the only way to protect your rights is to stop using the Sites or such content. This limitation on relief is a part of the agreement between the parties.

Limitations on Responsibilities

In no case shall TSA-Pre Check or any other third party be held liable for all direct, special, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages that may result from the use, non-use, or results of the use of the Sites, any websites linked to the Sites, and the content, information or services contained on any or all websites, whether based on warranty, contract, tort or any other legal theory, and whether or not notice has been given to TSA-Pre Check.

Partners' Links

For the sake of convenience, Links to third-party websites on the Sites are provided. You access them at your own risk. However, if you use these links, you will be redirected to another webpage and TSA PreCheck has no control over the contents of the pages. TSA Pre-Check has no obligation to certify the submitted communications, content, information, ideas, and other materials by the providers. Hence, you agree not to hold TSA Pre-Check responsible for that. TSA- Pre-check has not visited those third-party websites, does not manage them or their content, and has no liability. Thereby, TSA-Pre Check doesn't support the sites or any data, merchandise, or materials displayed there or any results that might be obtained by them. If you choose to access a link from third-party websites, you will be doing it at your own risk

Intellectual property and trademarks

All trademarks, service marks, and trade names of TSA-PreCheck used on the Site have been trademarked or registered by TSA-PreCheck. Furthermore, the rest of the names of products and companies linked on the website are trademarks or registered trademarks of respective owners. By entering the Site, you agree that any name, logo, or trademark that is found in the Site is a property of TSA-PreCheck and you cannot use it without the approval written by them.

Intellectual property on the Site besides the ones mentioned above are the property of TSA-PreCheck and/or its licensors, including issued or pending patents. TSA-PreCheck will protect its intellectual property rights with full power. The use of the name, logos, and trademarks is prohibited and should be avoided because it may cost you consequences or damages such as penalties related to trademark, copyright, privacy, and publicity rights infringement.


You promise to protect, exonerate, and keep TSA-PreCheck free from any claims, liabilities, losses, expenses, damages, costs, including without limitation reasonable attorneys' fees, arising out of or in any way connected with your or your Authorized Users' infringement of these Terms and Conditions, or your use of the Site or any products you bought on the Site.

Term; Finality

These Terms become binding on you upon entering the Site. In its sole discretion, TSA-PreCheck may terminate or restrict your use of the Site for any reason or no reason at all. And without liability to you or any third party. Furthermore, TSA-PreCheck reserves the right in its sole discretion to terminate these Terms and thereby cancel parts of them, at any time, without prior notice. The provisions, which relate to the above-mentioned aspects and in particular, copyrights, trademarks, disclaimers, indemnification, and miscellaneous, will continue to apply even after the event of such termination.

Rights Retention

Without the express grant provided, TSA-PreCheck retains all rights.